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Forums Forums OroCRM Message queue keeps rejecting cron jobs

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Dylan 5 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Creator
  • #38137


    I’m having trouble with the message queue. I have about 19 scheduled cron jobs but 12 of them are always rejected by the message queue. It’s even rejecting ORO crons, for example:

    app.NOTICE: Message processed: REJECT. Execution time: 51 ms {“status”:”REJECT”,”time_taken”:51} {“processor”:”Oro\\Bundle\\CronBundle\\Async\\CommandRunnerMessageProcessor”,”message_id”:”oro.5c62b2689231f4.90475161″,”message_body”:”{\”command\”:\”oro:cron:imap-sync\”,\”arguments\”:[]}”,”message_properties”:{“oro.message_queue.client.topic_name”:”oro.cron.run_command”,”oro.message_queue.client.processor_name”:”oro_cron.async.command_runner_message_processor”,”oro.message_queue.client.queue_name”:”oro.default”},”message_headers”:{“content_type”:”application/json”,”message_id”:”oro.5c62b2689231f4.90475161″,”timestamp”:1549972072},”message_priority”:2,”elapsed_time”:”58 ms”,”memory_usage”:”49.08 MB”,”peak_memory”:”49.10 MB”,”memory_taken”:”68.43 KB”}

    I can’t figure out what the problem is, there is are no ERRORs CRITICALs or WARNINGs in the logs, all I get is this rejected message and I have no idea what the problem could be.
    I’m currently using the 3.1.0 Release.

    thank you

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  • Author
  • #38141


    I’ve actually managed to identify the issue, so I’ll write it here in case this happens to some one else. During the first time setting up supervisor I fucked something up and some of the “consume” processes crashed in the middle of execution, which resulted in the records in ‘oro_message_queue_job_unique’ to not be deleted. And it was those records that were causing the REJECTED results, since the table should be emptied after the execution is done and therefore when trying to execute those cron jobs it would fail on a ‘UniqueConstraintViolation’

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